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Who are we?

our mission

Here at Red Sun Construction our ultimate goal is to provide a better solution for your home improvement needs and projects. We seek with passion to find the balance between functionality, beauty, and innovation in order to bring an elegant yet practical solution to each of our clients.

our core values

In the world of construction as with many other areas of life, the integrity of the end product will ultimately be revealed by the test of time. We are abundantly blessed to enjoy a variety of weather here in Northeast Ohio and the harsher elements render this principal especially important. At our core we believe we have a moral obligation to build with integrity and foresight while bringing beauty into existence.

It’s always more cost effective to do it right the first time. With this in mind we give you our promise to seek out the latest technology and innovations in construction to provide you with the best possible solution to your project.

meet the owner

Hi! I’m Luke Krizan, the owner of Red Sun Construction. My interest in construction began at a young age while I watched my father doing anything from framing houses to installing finish cabinetry and trim. The subtle complexities within the world of construction captivated my young mind and the allure of the trade never grows old. I founded Red Sun Construction with a thirst for innovation as well as a deep appreciation for those that have brought the industry to where it is today.

Being outdoors and enjoying the beauty of nature is deeply important to me. Some of my hobbies include backpacking, hiking, kayaking, and reading. I enjoy spending free time bonding with any of my nine siblings or a group of close friends.

I look forward to meeting you and can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together!